Director, Frontier Safety and Governance,  Google DeepMind   

Founding Director and Board Member, Centre for the Governance of AI

Founder and Trustee, Cooperative AI Foundation

I work on the safety and governance of frontier artificial intelligence.  My goal is to help guide the development of AI for the common good.  I believe the governance of AI is the most important issue of the century. I do this work at Google DeepMind, London.

I am also the founding director and board member of the Centre for the Governance of AI (GovAI), which was founded at the University of Oxford and is now an independent nonprofit, and founder and trustee of the Cooperative AI Foundation

Before 2016 (AlphaGo), I worked as a professor at Yale on great power peace. Specifically I studied the causes of the liberal peace, and the role of reputation and honor as motives for war. Along the way I developed statistical and methodological tools to enable more transparent, credible causal inference, teaching the cap-stone PhD statistical methods course in political science.  

My C.V. (pdf)     My Google Scholar Profile

Allan Dafoe

Google DeepMind
(R7) 14-18 Handyside Street

London, N1C 4DN, UK

Centre for the Governance of AI

Trajan House, Mill St 

Oxford, OX2 0DJ, UK